The story of “Ophelia”
At ACCT PHILLY, there are many hardworking staff and volunteers that dedicate themselves to promoting the adoptable shelter animals but also the urgent ones. Many times these are Timestamped animals or animals that have a given euthanasia date, as the shelter does not have the resources to care for them there.
It can take one person to be touched by that animal’s picture and step in to change their fate. Luckily, on Coconut’s day of promotion. He found just that. Coconut was placed for euthanasia due to a very severe upper respiratory infection. He was no longer eating and was having difficulty breathing, he was so congested.
But a very special person had been following his story closely. Kathy Elis had written into the shelter to inquire about fostering him. She hadn’t heard back and it was getting near the time of when he would be put to sleep. We were both worried for him and as usual Lucy Noland snapped into action, calling and texting anyone in the shelter she could think of to make sure this boy was safe! It was another down to the last minute save, but with the help of Zoeann Campbell with Non Lethal Options for animals, Coconut was SAFE and was now going to be provided the vet care he truly needed!
It was just the beginning of his or um shall we say her journey! Coconut was found to be a gorgeous girl once she was picked up and her name was promptly changed to Ophelia. Though Kathy had fostered many times before, Ophelia was found to be a very difficult medical case. She struggled with her URI and eating habits but was also very affectionate and bonded with Kathy and her family so quickly. Ophelia spent less than 6 months with her family, but often times in rescue, it’s not about the numbers or length of time an animal has but rather the quality of care they are receiving. Ophelia spent the last chapter of her life being absolutely adored and a beloved member of her family. Kathy and her husband and daughter were not her original caretakers but from the day they took her from ACCT they made a promise to her that should would always be loved. They just did that. They took her for checkups and vet visits, administered her many medications and pursued holistic remedies guided by the one and only kitty expert Isi Albert. Ophelia’s new family dedicated themselves fully to her and she passed comfortably knowing she was surrounded by everything good a pet could possibly be offered.
There are many caring shelter staff members at shelters who make it their duty to provide for the shelter animals, but when it comes to their last moments, no animal should face them there. Kathy shielded Ophelia from that fate but also gave her so much more.
Fostering saves and also enriches the lives of those most in need. Thank you Kathy and family for giving the most beautiful gift a shelter animal can be given, a second chance.
Ophelia passed over the rainbow bridge in December 2018. She will forever be remembered and her time with Kathy and her family, celebrated.
8.5 x 11 in. prints offered of Ophelia's original drawing with a percentage of the proceeds going towards the rescue that saved her Non Lethal Options for Animals.